As we discussed in the preceding tutorial, paging can be implemented in one of two ways:- Default Paging can be implemented by simply checking the Enable Paging option in the data Web control s smart tag; however, whenever viewing a page of data, the ObjectDataSource retrieves all of the records, even though only a subset of them are displayed in the page
- Custom Paging improves the performance of default paging by retrieving only those records from the database that need to be displayed for the particular page of data requested by the user; however, custom paging involves a bit more effort to implement than default paging
The challenge of custom paging is being able to write a query that returns the precise set of records needed for a particular page of data. Fortunately, Microsoft SQL Server 2005 provides a new keyword for ranking results, which enables us to write a query that can efficiently retrieve the proper subset of records. In this tutorial we ll see how to use this new SQL Server 2005 keyword to implement custom paging in a GridView control. While the user interface for custom paging is identical to that for default paging, stepping from one page to the next using custom paging can be several orders of magnitude faster than default paging.
Note: The exact performance gain exhibited by custom paging depends on
the total number of records being paged through and the load being placed on
the database server. At the end of this tutorial we ll look at some rough metrics
that showcase the benefits in performance obtained through custom paging.
Step 1: Understanding the Custom Paging Process
When paging through data, the precise records displayed in a page depend upon the page of data being requested and the number of records displayed per page. For example, imagine that we wanted to page through the 81 products, displaying 10 products per page. When viewing the first page, we d want products 1 through 10; when viewing the second page we d be interested in products 11 through 20, and so on.There are three variables that dictate what records need to be retrieved and how the paging interface should be rendered:
- Start Row Index the index of the first row in the page of data to display; this index can be calculated by multiplying the page index by the records to display per page and adding one. For example, when paging through records 10 at a time, for the first page (whose page index is 0), the Start Row Index is 0 * 10 + 1, or 1; for the second page (whose page index is 1), the Start Row Index is 1 * 10 + 1, or 11.
- Maximum Rows the maximum number of records to display per page. This variable is referred to as maximum rows since for the last page there may be fewer records returned than the page size. For example, when paging through the 81 products 10 records per page, the ninth and final page will have just one record. No page, though, will show more records than the Maximum Rows value.
- Total Record Count the total number of records being paged through. While this variable isn t needed to determine what records to retrieve for a given page, it does dictate the paging interface. For example, if there are 81 products being paged through, the paging interface knows to display nine page numbers in the paging UI.
Given the Start Row Index and Maximum Rows variables, a custom paging implementation must only return the precise subset of records starting at the Start Row Index and up to Maximum Rows number of records after that. Custom paging provides two challenges:
- We must be able to efficiently associate a row index with each row in the entire data being paged through so that we can start returning records at the specified Start Row Index
- We need to provide the total number of records being paged through
Step 2: Returning the Total Number of Records Being Paged Through
Before we examine how to retrieve the precise subset of records for the page being displayed, let s first look at how to return the total number of records being paged through. This information is needed in order to properly configure the paging user interface. The total number of records returned by a particular SQL query can be obtained by using theCOUNT
aggregate function. For example, to determine the total number of records in the Products
table, we can use the following query:SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM Products
Let s add a method to our DAL that returns this
information. In particular, we ll create a DAL method called TotalNumberOfProducts()
that executes the SELECT
statement shown above.Start by opening the
Typed DataSet file in the App_Code/DAL
folder. Next, right-click on the ProductsTableAdapter
in the Designer and choose Add Query. As we ve seen in previous
tutorials, this will allow us to add a new method to the DAL that, when
invoked, will execute a particular SQL statement or stored procedure. As with
our TableAdapter methods in previous tutorials, for this one opt to use an
ad-hoc SQL statement.
Figure 1: Use an Ad-Hoc SQL Statement
table choose the SELECT
which returns a singe value option.
Figure 2: Configure the Query to Use a SELECT Statement that Returns a Single Value
Figure 3: Use the SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Products Query
Figure 4: Name the DAL Method TotalNumberOfProducts
method to the DAL. The scalar returning methods in the DAL return
nullable types, in case the result from the SQL query is NULL
query, however, will always return a non-NULL
value; regardless, the DAL method returns a nullable integer.In addition to the DAL method, we also need a method in the BLL. Open the
class file and add a TotalNumberOfProducts
method that simply calls down to the DAL s TotalNumberOfProducts
method:Public Function TotalNumberOfProducts() As Integer
Return Adapter.TotalNumberOfProducts().GetValueOrDefault()
End Function
The DAL s TotalNumberOfProducts
method returns a nullable integer; however, we ve created the ProductsBLL
class s TotalNumberOfProducts
method so that it returns a standard integer. Therefore, we need to
have the ProductsBLL
class s TotalNumberOfProducts
method return the value portion of the nullable integer returned by
the DAL s TotalNumberOfProducts
The call to GetValueOrDefault()
the value of the nullable integer, if it exists; if the nullable integer is null
, however, it returns the default integer value, 0.Step 3: Returning the Precise Subset of Records
Our next task is to create methods in the DAL and BLL that accept the Start Row Index and Maximum Rows variables discussed earlier and return the appropriate records. Before we do that, let s first look at the needed SQL script. The challenge facing us is that we must be able to efficiently assign an index to each row in the entire results being paged through so that we can return just those records starting at the Start Row Index (and up to the Maximum Records number of records).This is not a challenge if there is already a column in the database table that serves as a row index. At first glance we might think that the
table s ProductID
field would suffice, as the first product has ProductID
of 1, the second a 2, and so on. However, deleting a product leaves
a gap in the sequence, nullifying this approach.There are two general techniques used to efficiently associate a row index with the data to page through, thereby enabling the precise subset of records to be retrieved:
- Using SQL Server 2005 s
Keyword new to SQL Server 2005, theROW_NUMBER()
keyword associates a ranking with each returned record based on some ordering. This ranking can be used as a row index for each row. - Using a Table Variable and
statement can be used to specify how many total records a query should process before terminating; table variables are local T-SQL variables that can hold tabular data, akin to temporary tables. This approach works equally well with both Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2000 (whereas theROW_NUMBER()
approach only works with SQL Server 2005).
The idea here is to create a table variable that has anIDENTITY
column and columns for the primary keys of the table whose data is being paged through. Next, the contents of the table whose data is being paged through is dumped into the table variable, thereby associating a sequential row index (via theIDENTITY
column) for each record in the table. Once the table variable has been populated, aSELECT
statement on the table variable, joined with the underlying table, can be executed to pull out the particular records. TheSET ROWCOUNT
statement is used to intelligently limit the number of records that need to be dumped into the table variable.
This approach s efficiency is based on the page number being requested, as theSET ROWCOUNT
value is assigned the value of Start Row Index plus the Maximum Rows. When paging through low-numbered pages such as the first few pages of data this approach is very efficient. However, it exhibits default paging-like performance when retrieving a page near the end.
keyword. For more information on using the table variable and SET ROWCOUNT
technique, see A More Efficient
Method for Paging Through Large Result Sets.The
keyword associated a ranking with each record returned over a
particular ordering using the following syntax:SELECT columnList,
ROW_NUMBER() OVER(orderByClause)
FROM TableName
returns a numerical value that specifies the rank for each record
with regards to the indicated ordering. For example, to see the rank for each
product, ordered from the most expensive to the least, we could use the
following query:SELECT ProductName, UnitPrice,
FROM Products
Figure 5 shows this query s results when run through
the query window in Visual Studio. Note that the products are ordered by price,
along with a price rank for each row.
Figure 5: The Price Rank is Included for Each Returned Record
is just one of
the many new ranking functions available in SQL Server 2005. For a more
thorough discussion of ROW_NUMBER()
, along with the other ranking functions, read Returning Ranked
Results with Microsoft SQL Server 2005.
When ranking the results by the specified
The ranking information returned by ORDER BY
column in the OVER
clause (UnitPrice
, in the above
example), SQL Server must sort the results. This is a quick operation if there
is a clustered index over the column(s) the results are being ordered by, or if
there is a covering index, but can be more costly otherwise. To help improve
performance for sufficiently large queries, consider adding a non-clustered index
for the column by which the results are ordered by. See Ranking
Functions and Performance in SQL Server 2005 for a more detailed look at
the performance considerations.ROW_NUMBER()
cannot directly be used in the WHERE
clause. However, a derived table can be used to return the ROW_NUMBER()
result, which can then appear in the WHERE
clause. For example, the following query uses a derived table to
return the ProductName and UnitPrice columns, along with the ROW_NUMBER()
result, and then uses a WHERE
clause to only return those products whose price rank is between 11
and 20:SELECT PriceRank, ProductName, UnitPrice
(SELECT ProductName, UnitPrice,
FROM Products
) AS ProductsWithRowNumber
Extending this concept a bit further, we can utilize
this approach to retrieve a specific page of data given the desired Start Row
Index and Maximum Rows values:SELECT PriceRank, ProductName, UnitPrice
(SELECT ProductName, UnitPrice,
FROM Products
) AS ProductsWithRowNumber
WHERE PriceRank > StartRowIndex</i> AND
PriceRank <= (<i>StartRowIndex</i> + MaximumRows</i>)
Note: As we will see later on in this tutorial, the
Now that we ve discussed how StartRowIndex
supplied by the ObjectDataSource is indexed starting at zero,
whereas the ROW_NUMBER()
value returned by
SQL Server 2005 is indexed starting at 1. Therefore, the WHERE
clause returns those records where PriceRank
is strictly greater than StartRowIndex
and less than or equal to StartRowIndex
+ MaximumRows
can be used to retrieve a particular page of data given the Start
Row Index and Maximum Rows values, we now need to implement this logic as
methods in the DAL and BLL.When creating this query we must decide the ordering by which the results will be ranked; let s sort the products by their name in alphabetical order. This means that with the custom paging implementation in this tutorial we will not be able to create a custom paged report than can also be sorted. In the next tutorial, though, we ll see how such functionality can be provided.
In the previous section we created the DAL method as an ad-hoc SQL statement. Unfortunately, the T-SQL parser in Visual Studio used by the TableAdapter wizard doesn t like the
syntax used by the ROW_NUMBER()
function. Therefore, we must create this DAL method as a stored
procedure. Select the Server Explorer from the View menu (or hit Ctrl+Alt+S)
and expand the NORTHWND.MDF
node. To add a
new stored procedure, right-click on the Stored Procedures node and choose Add
a New Stored Procedure (see Figure 6).
Figure 6: Add a New Stored Procedure for Paging Through the Products
and @maximumRows
and use the ROW_NUMBER()
function ordered by the ProductName
field, returning only those rows greater than the specified @startRowIndex
and less than or equal to @startRowIndex
+ @maximumRow
s. Enter the following script into the new stored procedure and then
click the Save icon to add the stored procedure to the database.CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.GetProductsPaged
@startRowIndex int,
@maximumRows int
SELECT ProductID, ProductName, SupplierID, CategoryID, QuantityPerUnit,
UnitPrice, UnitsInStock, UnitsOnOrder, ReorderLevel, Discontinued,
CategoryName, SupplierName
SELECT ProductID, ProductName, SupplierID, CategoryID, QuantityPerUnit,
UnitPrice, UnitsInStock, UnitsOnOrder, ReorderLevel, Discontinued,
(SELECT CategoryName
FROM Categories
WHERE Categories.CategoryID = Products.CategoryID) AS CategoryName,
(SELECT CompanyName
FROM Suppliers
WHERE Suppliers.SupplierID = Products.SupplierID) AS SupplierName,
FROM Products
) AS ProductsWithRowNumbers
WHERE RowRank > @startRowIndex AND RowRank <= (@startRowIndex + @maximumRows)
After creating the stored procedure, take a moment to
test it out. Right-click on the GetProductsPaged
stored procedure name in the Server Explorer and choose the Execute
option. Visual Studio will then prompt you for the input parameters, @startRowIndex
and @maximumRow
s (see Figure 7).
Try different values and examine the results.
Figure 7: Enter a Value for the @startRowIndex and @maximumRows Parameters
and @maximumRows
Figure 8: The Records That Would Appear in the Second Page of Data are Returned (Click to view full-size image)
method. Open the Northwind.xsd
Typed DataSet, right-click in the ProductsTableAdapter
, and choose the Add Query option. Instead of creating the query
using an ad-hoc SQL statement, create it using an existing stored procedure.
Figure 9: Create the DAL Method Using an Existing Stored Procedure
stored procedure from the drop-down list.
Figure 10: Choose the GetProductsPaged Stored Procedure from the Drop-Down List
stored procedure can return multiple records, indicate that it
returns tabular data.
Figure 11: Indicate that the Stored Procedure Returns Tabular Data
and the second GetProductsPaged
Figure 12: Name the Methods FillPaged and GetProductsPaged
( _
System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodType.Select, False)> _
Public Function GetProductsPaged(startRowIndex As Integer, maximumRows As Integer) _
As Northwind.ProductsDataTable
Return Adapter.GetProductsPaged(startRowIndex, maximumRows)
End Function
You can use any name for the BLL method s input
parameters, but, as we will see shortly, choosing to use startRowIndex
and maximumRows
saves us from an
extra bit of work when configuring an ObjectDataSource to use this method.Step 4: Configuring the ObjectDataSource to Use Custom Paging
With the BLL and DAL methods for accessing a particular subset of records complete, we re ready to create a GridView control that pages through its underlying records using custom paging. Start by opening theEfficientPaging.aspx
page in
the PagingAndSorting
folder, add a
GridView to the page, and configure it to use a new ObjectDataSource control.
In our past tutorials, we often had the ObjectDataSource configured to use the ProductsBLL
class s GetProducts
method. This time, however, we want to use the GetProductsPaged
method instead, since the GetProducts
method returns all of
the products in the database whereas GetProductsPaged
returns just a particular subset of records.
Figure 13: Configure the ObjectDataSource to Use the ProductsBLL Class s GetProductsPaged Method
Next, the ObjectDataSource wizard prompts us for the sources of the
method s startRowIndex
and maximumRows
input parameters
values. These input parameters will actually be set by the GridView
automatically, so simply leave the source set to None and click Finish.
Figure 14: Leave the Input Parameter Sources as None
, CategoryName
, SupplierName
, QuantityPerUnit
, and UnitPrice
BoundFields. Also, configure the GridView to support paging by
checking the Enable Paging checkbox in its smart tag. After these changes, the
GridView and ObjectDataSource declarative markup should look similar to the
following: ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
DataKeyNames="ProductID" DataSourceID="ObjectDataSource1" AllowPaging="True">
DataField="ProductName" HeaderText="Product"
SortExpression="ProductName" />
DataField="CategoryName" HeaderText="Category"
ReadOnly="True" SortExpression="CategoryName" />
DataField="SupplierName" HeaderText="Supplier"
SortExpression="SupplierName" />
DataField="QuantityPerUnit" HeaderText="Qty/Unit"
SortExpression="QuantityPerUnit" />
DataField="UnitPrice" DataFormatString="{0:c}"
HeaderText="Price" HtmlEncode="False" SortExpression="UnitPrice" />
Figure 15: The GridView is Not Displayed
and maximumRows
input parameters. Hence, the resulting SQL query is returning no
records and therefore the GridView is not displayed.To remedy this, we need to configure the ObjectDataSource to use custom paging. This can be accomplished in the following steps:
- Set the ObjectDataSource s
property totrue
this indicates to the ObjectDataSource that it must pass to theSelectMethod
two additional parameters: one to specify the Start Row Index (StartRowIndexParameterName
), and one to specify the Maximum Rows (MaximumRowsParameterName
). - Set the ObjectDataSource s
Properties Accordingly theStartRowIndexParameterName
properties indicate the names of the input parameters passed into theSelectMethod
for custom paging purposes. By default, these parameter names arestartIndexRow
, which is why, when creating theGetProductsPaged
method in the BLL, I used these values for the input parameters. If you chose to use different parameter names for the BLL sGetProductsPaged
method such asstartIndex
, for example you would need to set the ObjectDataSource sStartRowIndexParameterName
properties accordingly (such as startIndex forStartRowIndexParameterName
and maxRows forMaximumRowsParameterName
). - Set the ObjectDataSource s
Property to the Name of the Method that Returns the Total Number of Records Being Paged Through (TotalNumberOfProducts
) recall that theProductsBLL
class sTotalNumberOfProducts
method returns the total number of records being paged through using a DAL method that executes aSELECT COUNT(*) FROM Products
query. This information is needed by the ObjectDataSource in order to correctly render the paging interface. - Remove the
Elements from the ObjectDataSource s Declarative Markup when configuring the ObjectDataSource through the wizard, Visual Studio automatically added two
elements for theGetProductsPaged
method s input parameters. By settingEnablePaging
, these parameters will be passed automatically; if they also appear in the declarative syntax, the ObjectDataSource will attempt to pass four parameters to theGetProductsPaged
method and two parameters to theTotalNumberOfProducts
method. If you forget to remove these
elements, when visiting the page through a browser you ll get an error message like: ObjectDataSource 'ObjectDataSource1' could not find a non-generic method 'TotalNumberOfProducts' that has parameters: startRowIndex, maximumRows.
ID="ObjectDataSource1" runat="server"
OldValuesParameterFormatString="original_{0}" SelectMethod="GetProductsPaged"
TypeName="ProductsBLL" EnablePaging="True" SelectCountMethod="
Note that the EnablePaging
and SelectCountMethod
have been set and the
elements have been removed. Figure 16 shows a screen shot of the
Properties window after these changes have been made.
Figure 16: To Use Custom Paging, Configure the ObjectDataSource Control
Figure 17: The Data, Ordered by the Product s Name, is Paged Using Custom Paging (Click to view full-size image)
Note: With custom paging, the page count value returned by the ObjectDataSource�s
is stored in the GridView�s view state. Other GridView variables the PageIndex
, EditIndex
, SelectedIndex
, DataKeys
collection, and so on are stored in control state, which is persisted regardless of the value of the GridView�s EnableViewState
property. Since the PageCount
value is persisted across postbacks using view state, when using a
paging interface that includes a link to take you to the last page, it
is imperative that the GridView�s view state be enabled. (If your paging
interface does not include a direct link to the last page, then you may
disable view state.)
Clicking the last page link causes a postback and instructs the GridView to update its
property. If the last page link is clicked, the GridView assigns its PageIndex
property to a value one less than its PageCount
property. With view state disabled, the PageCount
value is lost across postbacks and the PageIndex
is assigned the maximum integer value instead. Next, the GridView
attempts to determine the starting row index by multiplying the PageSize
and PageCount
properties. This results in an OverflowException
since the product exceeds the maximum allowed integer size.Implement Custom Paging and Sorting
Our current custom paging implementation requires that the order by which the data is paged through be specified statically when creating theGetProductsPaged
stored procedure. However, you may have noted that the GridView s
smart tag contains an Enable Sorting checkbox in addition to the Enable Paging
option. Unfortunately, adding sorting support to the GridView with our current
custom paging implementation will only sort the records on the currently viewed
page of data. For example, if you configure the GridView to also support paging
and then, when viewing the first page of data, sort by product name in
descending order, it will reverse the order of the products on page 1. As
Figure 18 shows, such shows Carnarvon Tigers as the first product when sorting
in reverse alphabetical order, which ignores the 71 other products that come
after Carnarvon Tigers, alphabetically; only those records on the first page
are considered in the sorting.
Figure 18: Only the Data Shown on the Current Page is Sorted (Click to view full-size image)
method, and
this method only returns those records for the specific page. To implement
sorting correctly, we need to pass the sort expression to the GetProductsPaged
method so that the data can be ranked appropriately before
returning the specific page of data. We ll see how to accomplish this in our
next tutorial.Implementing Custom Paging and Deleting
If you enabling deleting functionality in a GridView whose data is paged using custom paging techniques you will find that when deleting the last record from the last page, the GridView disappears rather than appropriately decrementing the GridView sPageIndex
. To reproduce this bug, enable deleting for the tutorial just we
just created. Go to the last page (page 9), where you should see a single
product since we are paging through 81 products, 10 products at a time. Delete
this product.Upon deleting the last product, the GridView should automatically go to the eighth page, and such functionality is exhibited with default paging. With custom paging, however, after deleting that last product on the last page, the GridView simply disappears from the screen altogether. The precise reason why this happens is a bit beyond the scope of this tutorial; see Deleting the Last Record on the Last Page from a GridView with Custom Paging for the low-level details as to the source of this problem. In summary it s due to the following sequence of steps that are performed by the GridView when the Delete button is clicked:
- Delete the record
- Get the appropriate records to display for the specified
- Check to ensure that the
does not exceed the number of pages of data in the data source; if it does, automatically decrement the GridView sPageIndex
property - Bind the appropriate page of data to the GridView using the records obtained in Step 2
used when grabbing the records to display is still the PageIndex
of the last page whose sole record was just deleted. Therefore, in Step 2, no records are returned since
that last page of data no longer contains any records. Then, in Step 3, the
GridView realizes that its PageIndex
property is greater than the total number of pages in the data
source (since we ve deleted the last record in the last page) and therefore
decrements its PageIndex
property. In Step 4
the GridView attempts to bind itself to the data retrieved in Step 2; however,
in Step 2 no records were returned, therefore resulting in an empty GridView.
With default paging, this problem doesn t surface because in Step 2 all records are retrieved from the data
source.To fix this we have two options. The first is to create an event handler for the GridView s
event handler that determines how many records were displayed in
the page that was just deleted. If there was only one record, then the record
just deleted must have been the last one and we need to decrement the
GridView s PageIndex
. Of course, we only
want to update the PageIndex
if the delete operation was actually successful, which can be
determined by ensuring that the e.Exception
property is null
.This approach works because it updates the
after Step 1 but before Step 2. Therefore, in Step 2, the
appropriate set of records is returned. To accomplish this, use code like the
following:Protected Sub GridView1_RowDeleted(sender As Object, e As GridViewDeletedEventArgs) _
Handles GridView1.RowDeleted
' If we just deleted the last row in the GridView, decrement the PageIndex
If e.Exception Is Nothing AndAlso GridView1.Rows.Count = 1 Then
' we just deleted the last row
GridView1.PageIndex = Math.Max(0, GridView1.PageIndex - 1)
End If
End Sub
An alternative workaround is to create an event
handler for the ObjectDataSource s RowDeleted
event and to set the AffectedRows
property to a value of 1. After deleting the record in Step 1 (but
before re-retrieving the data in Step 2), the GridView updates its PageIndex
property if one or more rows were affected by the operation.
However, the AffectedRows
property is not
set by the ObjectDataSource and therefore this step is omitted. One way to have
this step executed is to manually set the AffectedRows
property if the delete operation completes successfully. This can
be accomplished using code like the following:Protected Sub ObjectDataSource1_Deleted( _
sender As Object, e As ObjectDataSourceStatusEventArgs) _
Handles ObjectDataSource1.Deleted
' If we get back a Boolean value from the DeleteProduct method and it's true, then
' we successfully deleted the product. Set AffectedRows to 1
If TypeOf e.ReturnValue Is Boolean AndAlso CType(e.ReturnValue, Boolean) = True Then
e.AffectedRows = 1
End If
End Sub
The code for both of these events handlers can be
found in code-behind class of the EfficientPaging.aspx
example.Comparing the Performance of Default and Custom Paging
Since custom paging only retrieves the needed records, whereas default paging returns all of the records for each page being viewed, it s clear that custom paging is more efficient than default paging. But just how much more efficient is custom paging? What sort of performance gains can be seen by moving from default paging to custom paging?Unfortunately, there s no one size fits all answer here. The performance gain depends on a number of factors, the most prominent two being the number of records being paged through and the load placed on the database server and communication channels between the web server and database server. For small tables with just a few dozen records, the performance difference may be negligible. For large tables, with thousands to hundreds of thousands of rows, though, the performance difference is acute.
An article of mine, Custom Paging in ASP.NET 2.0 with SQL Server 2005, contains some performance tests I ran to exhibit the differences in performance between these two paging techniques when paging through a database table with 50,000 records. In these tests I examined both the time to execute the query at the SQL Server level (using SQL Profiler) and at the ASP.NET page using ASP.NET s tracing features. Keep in mind that these tests were run on my development box with a single active user, and therefore are unscientific and do not mimic typical website load patterns. Regardless, the results illustrate the relative differences in execution time for default and custom paging when working with sufficiently large amounts of data.
Avg. Duration (sec) | Reads | |
Default Paging SQL Profiler | 1.411 | 383 |
Custom Paging SQL Profiler | 0.002 | 29 |
Default Paging ASP.NET Trace | 2.379 | N/A |
Custom Paging ASP.NET Trace | 0.029 | N/A |
Default paging is a cinch to implement just check the Enable Paging checkbox in the data Web control s smart tag but such simplicity comes at the cost of performance. With default paging, when a user requests any page of data all records are returned, even though only a tiny fraction of them may be shown. To combat this performance overhead, the ObjectDataSource offers an alternative paging option custom paging.While custom paging improves upon default paging s performance issues by retrieving only those records that need to be displayed, it s more involved to implement custom paging. First, a query must be written that correctly (and efficiently) accesses the specific subset of records requested. This can be accomplished in a number of ways; the one we examined in this tutorial is to use SQL Server 2005 s new
function to rank results, and then to return just those results
whose ranking falls within a specified range. Furthermore, we need to add a
means to determine the total number of records being paged through. After
creating these DAL and BLL methods, we also need to configure the ObjectDataSource
so that it can determine how many total records are being paged through and can
correctly pass the Start Row Index and Maximum Rows values to the BLL.While implementing custom paging does require a number of steps and is not nearly as simple as default paging, custom paging is a necessity when paging through sufficiently large amounts of data. As the results examined showed, custom paging can shed seconds off of the ASP.NET page render time and can lighten the load on the database server by one ore more orders of magnitude.
Happy Programming!
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